We caught up with James Sullivan, Director of New Product Development & Marketing, at the JABGA & ABGA show to hear what customers are saying about the latest and greatest.
“This is one of our most trusted duos on show day, Sullivan’s Sugar Coat & Body Brush really has proven to enhance white coats and bring them to life in the show ring!”
Sutherland Acres believes that the Sullivan G.O.A.T Stand is superior to all others. “The anti-slip deck, durable construction and angled head piece prove this stand to be one of the most unique and user friendly on the market.”
“Sullivan’s Tough Tech Muzzles provide the reassurance any showman needs with it’s durable & breathable design. ”
“Sullivan’s The Beast is the market’s most powerful show barn tool”
“One goal, two different purposes, combine Sullivan’s Natural White & Breakaway to remove glue residue and get the white back to a sparkling finish”
“Wrap your goat in unyielding comfort with Sullivan’s Tough Tech Blankets, the ultimate blanket for next level protection.”
“Tail Adhesive & The Edge bonding excellence together on show day”
“Sullivan’s Root Fluffer is the ultimate tool for prepping the leg and fluffing the hair before beginning the fitting process”