Rockin’ the Rockies | Junior National Hereford Expo

Payton Farmer hard at work on the first day on the hill.

Rockies in the background, Herefords on the Hill, is there anything better?

Taylor Harrison, Manager of Stock Show University chats with some young exhibitors during checkin.

Dellana Muck, Brady Jones and Riley Jones triple teaming this Hereford calf.

John Crane and Crayton Chapman in the middle of an intense game.

Charlie Boyd and son Blake make one dynastic duo.

Show dad,  Seth Hammermeister making sure his crew has everything checked in.

Sullivan’s Natural White is the perfect product for the great white face breed.

Rollin’ in to a big week at JNHE.

KayAnn Eck and Kylin Oakes playing all their cards for an excellent week.


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