ABGA will be processing membership renewals for 2023 through our new membership software, iCompete.
- You can begin renewing for 2023 through iCompete on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2022.
- Members with email addresses on file will receive an email invite to renew through iCompete.
- Adult memberships must renew FIRST through iCompete in order to renew JABGA memberships. If you are an adult member and you are missing an associated JABGA membership in iCompete, please contact the ABGA office ASAP.
*** Learn more about renewing your ABGA membership through iCompete here: https://www.abga.org/post/renew-for-2023-with-icompete
*** View instructions to renew your ABGA membership through iCompete here: https://www.abga.org/…/create-icompete-login-and-link…
Please contact the ABGA office at (325) 486-2242 or mail@abga.org with any questions or concerns. The ABGA office does not accept membership renewals by phone.