7-9 a.m. Final official weigh-in of all steers, market heifers, lambs, wether dam does and market goats.
9 a.m. All steers, market heifers, lambs, wether dam does and market goats must be in place.
9 a.m. Market Beef showmanships in age order.
Judge Maddi Keerlee of Denair, CA
9:30 a.m. Goat Show. Fresno State Futurity class followed by wether dam doe classes followed by market goat classes followed by meat goat showmanship (wether dam does and market goats together) classes in age order.
Judge Brandon Morgan of Newcastle, OK
10 a.m. Lamb showmanships in age order followed by Fresno State Futurity class followed by prospect, progress and market lamb classes.
Judge Sam Mattingly, Labanon, IN
1 p.m. Market Beef Show. Prospect followed by progress steers and market heifers in class order.
Judge Jeff Bedwell of Isabella, OK
6 p.m. Barns available for hog exhibitors.
6-8 p.m. First official weigh-in of hogs and final and only weigh-in of commercial heifers.
8 p.m. All breeding heifers must be in place. Registration papers must be checked in at the Show Office and grade or commercial heifers must be weighed.