Professor Interview with Wess Richey of Indiana

What is your favorite thing about the Stock Show University Grad Programs?
“The interaction with the kids who are the future professors. It is like a full circle, I was fortunate enough to have help along the way and now I can return the favor by helping the kids that come to a Stock Show University clinic.”

What is the number one thing you think people should take away from a Stock Show University clinic?

“It is all about trail and error. Keep trying to get better no matter what, and make sure you take one or two things from the clinic and apply it and learn from your mistake.”

What advice can you give your students as they go home and work on their calves?
“Don’t give up! Win or lose there will always be sunshine on the other side, you get to make good friends and meet new people. Prepare the best you can and then go out there and have fun!”

You can see Wess in action at the next Stock Show University fitting clinic in Bad Axe, Michigan on April 25th!



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