
Check out this awesome post shared from the Schaeffer family at Schaeffer Show Cattle!
With the latest craze in Pay It Forward I knew I wanted to do my part, but really wasn’t sure where to start. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and son, parents, in-laws, brothers and sisters, friends, and surrounded me by so many great people. HE has provide so much for me I am truly thankful. I have teamed up with my mother-in-law, Tracy Schaeffer, this past week to put together our Pay It Forward project. However, this is a project we can’t complete without you. So here goes….

I met Lesley a few years back. She along with her husband, Kevin, and daughter Ashton, bought a steer out of the Schaeffer/Tice pasture sale. Our family quickly become friends and Ashton named the steer “Paul” after the one and only Paul Schaeffer 🙂 Lesley has catered our pre-sale meals the past few year as she is a wonderful cook! Those who have attend I’m sure would agree.  Tracy has since worked with Lesley at Covance and they have formed a pretty special friendship. Lesley and Kevin have become the much needed friends that the entire Schaeffer family needed. Ashton, 10 years old, loves to show cattle, play basketball, and is currently in softball season.

Now I need to share with you some background of Lesley. The true battle began March 15, 2005 when Lesley was diagnosed with Synovial Cell Sarcoma. At the time the mass was attached to one of her kidneys. The kidney has to be removed and chemotherapy was started. Chemo was completed in August of 2005. A cancer clean bill of health was given at that time.

After more than seven years of being cancer free, the battle was back on. Lesley was diagnosed on January 8, 2013 with a recurrence of Synovial Cell Sarcoma. This time the mass has been found in the upper left lobe of her lungs.

Now I bring you to today…. After a long year of surgery and chemo, Lesley was able to return to work this past January while remaining on chemo. Lesley not only has been cursed by the terrible “c” word, but continues to face set backs in life. While on her way to see her dad after an operation her car broke down. And more recently Kevin’s car has become problematic as well.

I cannot imagine the “cost” financially, physically, and mentally of cancer, but I do know that it takes a strong person to continue to fight the battle. Lesley, Kevin, and Ashton have continued to fight for so long.

Here come’s our Pay It Forward…. Tracy and I have set up a YouCaring account for Lesley and her family. Their medical bills are steep including medication, sugary,  doctors appointments. Although Lesley and Kevin continue to work, Lesley has not been feeling well enough to stay at work. After continuing to be sick, Lesley was recently admitted back into the hospital. I don’t ask for much my social media friends, but Tracy and I are asking you out of the kindness of your heart to help this traffic family. They deserve a break and at least a little comfort in this long road ahead that they continue to fight.

It takes very little. You simply can click on the link below and donate to Lesley, Kevin, and Ashton whatever you can proved. Every little bit helps as you know. And as we have all witnessed the power of great people in this world are making miracles happen. Please donate what you can and at most PRAY. God can certainly work miracles and I encourage you to pray for Lesley and her battle.

The team here at Schaeffer/Tice, along with Tracy and I, encourage you to help us in our Pay It Forward project. This family is very deserving.

If you have questions feel free to email me at teschaeffer@gmail.com.

Thanks for your support! Give and PRAY for a great cause.

Emily Schaeffer

THE LINK: https://home/sullivanplus/html.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/lesley-willis-medical-fund/168247
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