State fair season is kicking off in Ohio this week. Stay tuned for more results and candid photos throughout the event.
Abbie Collins in the show ring.
Si Pirogowicz and Shelby Manning having a prep talk before the show.
Fulton Kennedy making this calf as close to perfect as possible before entering the show ring.
Emily Dahse working in the show ring.
Erin Digler with judge Curt Rinker of Illinois.
Curtis Harsh clipping a top line on his calf.
Adison Niese putting her new Smart Sensation Curve to the test on her ShorthornPlus heifer.
The Reed Family headed to the show ring.
Clayton Boyert working on Shorthorn heifers in the stall.
Curt Rinker of Illinois evaluating the junior heifers.
Josh Greenhorn and Doug Parke take a break while watching the show.
Wash racks are full on busy show days.
Jason Manning clipping a tail head before the show.