Oklahoma Youth Expo | Sullivan Supply Doe Team Fitting Contest

Brandt Allen focused on getting the perfect fit job!

Tess Mittag, Stock Show U Manager, kicking off the contest.

Kyden Cunningham using Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive.

Caleigh Scheihing using Flare for the perfect horn shine.

Kolton Kohler knows that can angle is essential for the perfect spray.

Judge Dallas Shropshire evaluating the contestants.


Colt Adair using a Smart Sensation XL Comb to perfect body hairs.

Lincoln Stafford using Tail Adhesive before getting started clipping.

Huntley McElnaney knows revive keeps the hide and hair healthy!

The competition to get to the finals was intense!

Ashlyn Schwartzlander pacing on the Powder’ful.

Nicky Grubbs using his Andis Flare Edition clippers for the perfect cut.

Josey Milburn focused on getting all the hairs into the right place.

Madeline McClain uses a root brush before beginning to pull the back leg.


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