Oklahoma Youth Expo | Livin’ that American Dream in OKC

Brahmans hit the big house today.

Judge Chad Holtkamp congratulates the champion Beefmaster.

Harper Perkins has her brahman looking slick in a Sullivan’s 1st Class show halter.

Ashlee Gammel doesn’t skip a morning routine without her Smart Comb and Air Express III.

Once again, Stratton Walck perfecting a back leg at the chutes.

Wess Richey, S/S Dealer Relations, helping customers at the trailer.

Canute Janish’s favorite show day items include a can of Tail Adhesive and a Doublestuff Teflon comb.

Evan Endres concentrating on a top line with his Andis clippers.

Can you tell that Ellie Tackett is excited that it is Branham heifer show day?

Watching Walton Webcasting while relaxing at your stalls with your heifer. Does it get any better than that?

Superstick, Kanon Edwards showing off his heifer in the Beefmaster breed drive.

Judge Chad Holtkamp congratulations Kyson Thiel on Supreme ORB female!

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