Oklahoma State AGR Winter Bonanza | So Long Stilly

Reata Heck getting all the pointers on showmanship from her dad Odie Heck!

Colby Erickson focuses in on perfecting a tail head.

Avery McMurphy uses a BEAST to dry her red angus!

Hannah Hawkesworth, Sullivan Supply Sales Representative, makes customer service a priority for the exhibitors!

Jackson Mattocks stays steady while carving a top.

Wes Horn former Stock Show U Professor stays warm with his Stock Show U hoodie!

Burk Van Horn stays strapped with tail adhesive.

Ring A Judge, John Toledo, crowns the first Supreme Heifer of the night with honors going to Carter Kornegay!

Kelton Arthur focuses on all of the leg details!

….. Until next year Ok State AGR Winter Bonanza Exhibitors


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