Oklahoma 4 Species Stock Show University® Grad Program

Who is EXCITED about a Stock Show University® Grad Program? Sullivan Supply®, Stock Show University®, our trusted Professors are!

2023 Oklahoma 2-Day 4-Species Stock Show University® Grad Program
December 16-17, 2023
Grady County Fairgrounds
Chickasha, Oklahoma

Saturday Schedule

8:00am—Registration with Sullivan Supply/Stock Show U Staff

8:30am—Have animals fed and to the designated barns (cattle do not need to be washed)

9:00am—Welcome and Meet the Professors; Bleachers

9:30am—Healthy, Hydrated Hair Demonstration —Followed by Professors One on Ones

11:45am—Lunch, Sponsored by Sullivan Supply, and “Livestock Loot” Stories  

1:00pm—Clipping Demonstration — Followed by Professor One on Ones

4:30pm— S/S FAMOUS Cupcake Eating Contest

5:00pm— Fun Activity with Professors

6:00pm— Dinner, Sponsored by Sullivan Supply


Sunday Schedule

8:30am—Have animals washed, dried, and ready for the day

9:00am—Welcome Back Message; Bleachers

9:30am—Fitting/Show Day Essentials Demonstration —Followed by Professors One on Ones

12:00pm—Lunch, Sponsored by Sullivan Supply

1:00pm—Showmanship 101 Demonstration —Followed by Professor One on Ones

2:30pm—Awards and Final Remarks

Offered FREE compliments of Sullivan Supply
Check out this two-day fun-filled, interactive event where students can bring their animals and work one-on-one with the industry’s best and most talented “Professors”. Topics covered throughout our program include: daily care, clipping, fitting, proper breakdown, and showmanship. Participants and their families will walk away motivated and prepared for success!
Registration for the 2023 Oklahoma 2-Day 4-Species Stock Show University® Grad Program is currently open. Click Here To Register!
Questions about Stock Show University? Contact Tess Mittag, Manager of Stock Show University® at tessa@sullivansupply.com.



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