O-H-I-O | Ohio State Fair

Tatum Poff rinses her steer tonight.

Weston Grauer enjoys his popsicle from the Sullivan’s trailer on this hot day!

Congratulations to Caroline Blay on winning Showman of Showman today!

Montana Hulsmeyer all focus during the Showmanship Finals.

Steer exhibitors get some exercise in this evening.

Aly Simpson does a mid-day rinse today.

Banners were being hung today in the Purebred Barrow Show!

We’re in Buckeye Nation!

Lane Underwood works hair on his steer.

Sullivan Supply is proud to be a sponor of the Junior Market Beef dinner this evening

Dawson Osborn combs out his steer on the wash rack this morning.

Dillon Grauer starts practicing her reading early with the Sullivan’s New Product Catalog.


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