North American Junior Red Angus Event | Wrapping Up In Stillwater

I spy a Blue Monkey tattoo! Alyssa Meier holds her show stick up high as she walks into the Bred & Owned Champion Drive.

Megan Muller shows Katelyn Pehrson the proper way to hold her clippers and fit her heifer’s leg.

Bret Pembrook is nothing but smiles while talking with Judge Bob May during the Bred & Owned show.

Reese Anderson has a smooth stride as she enters the show ring.

The Harmony Hill Fitting Team work together to fit Marin Eeg’s champion heifer. Pictured here: Layne Robinson, Zane Ward, Dylan Enyart, Ben Weis and Marin Eeg. Thanks for supporting Sullivan Supply!

It’s a family thing! Jaden, Jera and Kim Johnson team up to get Jera’s heifer ready to show.

It has been a full and fun week here at the North American Junior Red Angus Event. Thank you to all of the workers and volunteers that made this show a success, and a huge THANK YOU to all of our customers for trusting Sullivan Supply!


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