North American Junior Red Angus Event | Stock Show University Clinic Candids

Holly Thomas, Rilee Hall, Presley Rushing, Skylar Dawson and Tar Tut pose for a quick photo before the Stock Show U clinic began.

Our “dream team” of professors lined up to introduce themselves one by one at the beginning of the clinic.

Free giveaways, anyone? The crowd goes wild for the free SWAG given out by the professors!

Assistant Dean of Stock Show U, Colby Taber takes to the mic to welcome the event attendees.

J.C. Gross and Blake Madden lean closer in to make sure they understand what the professors are saying.

Jessie Judge gets down low and comfortable to clip the front leg of their heifer!

Kristen Massingill and Kinley Roberts work together to take notes on the products being used in the demonstration.

Deb Vorthmann explains to the crowd how the topline of the Girls Team’s heifer should look.

The Boys Team had Colby Lind working the front end of their heifer.

We had a great turnout for the Stock Show U clinic today! Thanks to all that participated!


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