From the National Junior Swine Association:
Who says you can only participate in Skillathon at a pig show?! The NJSA is very excited to offer its members the opportunity to compete in a VIRTUAL Skillathon Contest (from the safety of your home because you know, social distancing). Read below for all contest details.
Virtual Skillathon Contest Rules:
Two Divisions:
Novice (ages 8 and under), Junior (ages 9-12)
Intermediate (ages 13-16), and Senior (ages 17-21)
Click the appropriate link below. You must enter your email and then a link will be sent to that email allowing you to complete the quiz.
Novice/Junior Skillathon Link: Click Here
Intermediate/Senior Skillathon Link: Click Here
You will have 60 minutes to complete the quiz. Ties will be broken on the fifth station score. If there remains a tie, it will be broken on the total amount of time it took to complete the quiz.
The Virtual Skillathon Contest will open Friday, April 3 and close Wednesday, April 8 at noon Eastern Time.
The top three winners of each division will be announced Friday, April 10.
Skillathon Study Resources
NJSA Skillathon
National Pork Board Junior Skillathon resources: