NJLSC | Lim-Flex Cow/Calf Pairs

GrandLimFlexCowCalf_JensenBarwick copy
Grand Champion Lim-Flex Cow/Calf Pair
ELCX Aaliyah 453 A
Sire: CALO Brickyard 902W
Dam: MAGS Skyline
Bred by: Edwards Land and Cattle Company
Congratulations to Jensen Barwick!

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Reserve Grand Champion Lim-Flex Cow-Calf
MINE PLD Daisy 2079Z
Sire: TPIE Red Canyon LC 9347
Dam: MINE Roszbubbles 7169T
Bred by: Minerich Land & Cattle
Congratulations to Anne Kathryn Hurt!

Photos courtesy of Alexis O’Boyle


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