NJHA Announces The June Hereford Highlight | Logan Pomi

Our June Hereford Highlight is Logan Pomi, of Petaluma, California!
Logan Pomi started showing Herefords when she was 8 years old, exhibiting locally, state and nation wide. She personally owns 40 Hereford cows and raises calves to show and sell. She will be a sophomore this fall at the University of Idaho majoring in Animal Science with a Production option. Logan currently serves as a College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Ambassador and is a member of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. This year she won the California State FFA Beef Production Proficiency. She has served as the CA-NV Junior Hereford Association Treasurer and Queen and is now serving as the current association President. Congratulations Logan!
If you know someone who should be nominated for next month’s Hereford Highlight, fill out the form here, https://americanherefordassociation.formstack.com/…/her…

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