The NEW Ultimate Show Day Roto Brush!

The NEW Ultimate Show Day Roto Brush!

This new twist on the traditional roto brush will take your hair presentation to a whole new level. With its tremendous ability to separate and lift the hair creating a full body look, it will become your show day go-to tool. It’s built into a durable aluminum housing sets two styles of bristles. The first style has 3/4″ of soft flex bristles made for ultimate separation and lift to thick coats. The second style has 1/4″ fiber bristles to provide hair volume like no other, that works on all types of hair coats to provide an even fluff without making the hair wavy.

This new Roto Fluffer is best used for clipping, fitting, and show day preparation. For daily use, we still recommend our green, staggered bristle roto brush to increase blood flow and hair stimulation.

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