New genetic selection videos on Iowa Beef Center website

No matter how complex the gamut of information on breeding decisions available to producers, a simple and timely review of the basics can often help provide better understanding of the tools and processes. That’s why the Iowa Beef Center has posted four new videos on a new webpage devoted to genetic selection topics, including expected progeny differences (EPDs).

“Pre- and post- meeting evaluations on EPDs at recent bull selection clinics showed a significant portion of the audience still needed a refresher,” said Patrick Wall, Iowa State University Extension beef program specialist. “These videos should help clear up some of the confusion producers face before opening up that next sale catalog or attending that upcoming meeting on genomic-enhanced selection.”

The four new videos focus on specifically identified EPD basic information segments: calving ease, growth traits, maternal traits, and carcass traits, making it easy for viewers to find the subject they want, Wall said.

“People don’t need to watch segments on maternal EPDs if they are only interested in carcass traits,” he said. “Viewers receive narration of individual EPDs, interpretations of the definitions and units of measure, and explanations of some methods on how to avoid over-selection. Additional environmental scenarios are covered to help producers escape potential pitfalls in profitability.”

This new page is on the IBC website. Each video entry is linked directly to that specific video on the IBC YouTube channel.  Additional resources and links will be added as they’re available.

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