Judge, Cody Sloan selects Ben Spencer’s Divison 3 Champion as Champion 4-H Market Goat.
Congratulations to Cade Stratman and his steer for being selected Reserve 4-H Market Beef.
Judge Kyndal Reitzenstein slaps Jami Hoblyn’s Champion 4-H Market beef.
Congratulations to Cale Deseive and her Champion 4-H Market Lamb.
Congratulations to Taya Hambleton for being selected Reserve 4-H Champion Market Goat.
Team Hoblyn preps the Champion 4-H Market Beef for the final drive.
Judge Will Taylor makes his final remarks in the 4-H Market Swine Grand Drive.
An exceptional lineup in tonight’s 4-H Market Beef Show Final Drive selected by Judge Kyndal Reitzenstein.
Team Prinz gears up for the 4-H market show.
Hadley Dunklau choose Sullivan Supply show day necessities to prep her Champion 4-H Hereford Steer for the ring.
Sullivan’s EX85 Brush & Sullivan’s Balance Whip helped Lane Mchaffey drive his way to the Champion Spot Barrow.