Champion Shorthorn Heifer was Lot 15, BOS White Lace, consigned by Sha Ron Farms of Clarkson, NE. This heifer is a 2/24/2013 daughter of SRF Buddy and she sold to Fred Gruhn of Denison, IA for $7,750.
Reserve Champion Shorthorn Heifer and high-selling honors was Lot 14, GNCC Brenda 239A, consigned by Gana Nisley Cattle Co of Martell, NE. This heifer is a 02/22/2013 daughter of SULL GNCC Asset ET and she sold to Jay Cech of Clarkson, NE for $8,500.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and was Lot 5, GCF Anwar, consigned by Crawford Family Shorthorns of Roca, NE. This bull is a 03/6/2013 son of GCF Sterling and sold to Radley Eisenhauer of Farnam, NE, for $3,300.
Reserve Champion Shorthorn Bull and high-selling honors was Lot 11, 3BC Judge 1397, consigned by 3BC Shorthorn Farms of Pierce, NE. This bull is a 04/22/2013 son of SBR Hi-Definition 16X and sold to Schroeder Family Shorthorns, of Columbus, NE for $6,000
Photos and information shared from the Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic Facebook page!