Judges Cooper Bounds and Kendra Myers discussing the teams.
Caiden Healey chooses Tail Adhesive as her go-to adhesive.
“Flaring It Up” was the team motto for Alexa Johnson and Joy Baldwin.
Gavin Molnan & Arianna Lundgren’s mentality is, “Teamwork makes the dream work.”
Brock Mortvedt showing off his excellent goat fitting skills.
Kaden Helgeson is 100 percent focused on shaping a leg.
Kendra Helgeson shapes a leg with Powder’Ful by her side at all times.
Stock Show University Manager, Tess Mittag monitoring the contest.
“Concentration is key.” – Jaelynn Miner
McCoy Luellen uses a Teflon comb and Tail Adhesive to create a masterpiece.