National Western Stock Show | A Family Affair

The father and son judging duo, Gary and Jeff Dameron, tackled the Angus show on the hill.

Sullivans Incognito halters are trusted by champions, thanks SCC!

Bruce & Amie Stertzbach after winning champion and reserve Angus females on the hill.

Judge Jeff Dameron picking champion female.

Britney Creamer and Judge Gary Dameron admiring her heifer.

NJAA Board Member, Marcie Harward, working hard in the ring.

Maddie Prethter uses a Sullivan’s Smart Sensation Comb to work hair.

Peggy DeMoss is all business in the show ring!

The Lazy JB Angus chutes stayed busy today for the Angus show.

The Champion Angus Bull is ready for a nap after being on “Beast Mode”!

Cutter Scasta – Bull Super Stick

Cory Wood knows Sullivan’s Bright Lights is best for the whites!

Jake Scott checking he’s crews work before heading to the show ring.

Sullivan’s Hocus Pocus & Sullivan’s Break Away is the perfect post show day wash combo for Miles & Jace Stagemeyer.


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