National Western | Junior Polled Hereford Heifers

Grand Champion Junior Polled Hereford Heifer
Grand Champion Polled Hereford Junior Yearling Female
NCC 743 Breckyn C1857 ET
Sire: CRR About Time 743
Dam: Hawk Enuff Brittany 504
Bred by: Parker Robinson
Sold by: Jake Bloomberg, Blake Bloomberg, Tony Jeffs
Congratulations to Abby Bell

Reserve Grand Champion Junior Polled Hereford Heifer
Grand Champion Spring Yearling Female
KOLT Carly’s Harley 2858 ET
Sire: C Miles Mckee 2103 ET
Dam: LCC Two Timin 438 ET
Bred by: Sullivan Farms
Raised by: Kolt Cattle
Sold by: Kolt Cattle and Tony Jeffs
Congratulations Sara Sullivan!


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