National Junior Shorthorn Show | Owned Shorthorn Females – Top 5

Champion Owned Heifer
Division VI Champion
SULL LGF Ruby Knights 2296K
Sire: SULL Red Knight 2030
Dam: SULL Blodded Ruby 3278
Bred by: Sullivan Farms/Gellerman
Congratulations to Winston Dryer

Reserve Owned Female
Division V Champion
VENN SS Revival 703
Sire: SULL Current Commodity
Dam: SS Revival 684
Bred by: Vendetta Cattle Co.
Congratulations to Bristol Bates

Third Overall
Division VII Champion
SULL RGLC Fancy Rosie 209K ET
Sire: SULL Red Knight
Dam: SULL Roses are Red
Bred by: Sullivan Farms
Congratulations to Brayden Goodbred

Fourth Overall
Division IV Champion
CCR Pinky The Roo 2508
Sire: Hill Haven Fire Strom 28C
Dam: Kolt RGLC Pinky the Roo 940
Bred by: Carnet Cattle Ranch
Congratulations to James Cleere

Fifth Overall
Division II Champion
CF Mona Lisa 2117 SOL X ET
Sire: CF SolutionX ET
Dam: SULL Mona Lisa Reward ET
Bred by: Cates Farms
Congratulations to Audrey Robertson


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