Judge Dr. Chris Skaggs selects Bristol Bates as reserve Shorthorn female.
Monte Soules, Executive Secretary/CEO of the American Shorthorn Association chatting with the Shorthorn Lassie Queens.
Congratulations to Lane Blakenship of Oklahoma on being selected as the 2023 AJSA Herdsman of the Year.
Matthew Hahn getting eye level with the top line.
Joesph O’Sullivan hard at work.
Reed Hines busy at the chutes.
I think Kolten Greenhorn knows who won the super bowl this year.
Samantha Whisman working hair early this morning.
Samantha Sagar blowing our her calf before a busy day in the show ring.
Tyler Hahn with the last minute clip.
Tyler Cates uses Sullivan’s Red Velvet Touch Up Paint.
Kennedy Butikofer and her team getting ready for the show.
Conner Dupler uses Sullivan’s Powderful
Ben Warfield getting the job done at the chutes.