National Junior Shorthorn Show | Bred and Owned Females

Grand Champion B&O Female
SULL Ruthie Bo 6269D ET
Sire: SULL Red Knight
Dam: SULL Myrtle Bo 46P
Bred by: Sara Sullivan
Congratulations to Sara Sullivan!

Reserve Grand Champion B&O Female
CF JBC Caroline 645 HC ET
Sire: Free K-Kim Hot Commodity
Dam: CF Caroline 154 RD X ET
Bred by: Cole Whisman
Congratulations to Cole Whisman, Illinois City, IL!

3rd Overall
JS Rose 6J05
Sire: CSF Evolution GC
Dam: MF Serious Rose 13Y
Bred by: James Johnson
Congratulations to James Johnson, Niantic, IL!

4th Overall
TRN Red Knight Foxxy 75 ET
Sire: Sull Red Knight 2030 ET
Dam: K-Kim Foxxy 29S
Bred by: Gavin Center
Congratulations to Gavin Cender, Mahomet, IL!

5th Overall
JSHOUF BONL Myrtle Bo 691
Sire: CF Pioneer X
Dam: Bonn Simply Myrtle 326 ET
Bred by: Jacob Shoufler
Congratulations to Jacob Shoufler, Fortville, IN!

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