National Junior Salers Show | Showmanship Candids

Taylor Goering all smiles during the Showmanship contest.

Sullivan Supply proud sponsor of the showmanship contest.

Easton Liebhart Fitting on his bottle calf before heading to showmanship.

Kallie Kassing Using Sullivan’s Formula 1 to fit on her bucket calf.

Jase Beltz getting the topline of his calf down.

Ladon Liebhart with all eyes on the judge during showmanship.

Five year old Josie Beltz with her calf Biscuit looking like a pro!

Lizzy Stigall with a confidant showman’s stance.

Lizzy Stigall and her mother Alex Stigall embracing as Lizzy came out of her showmanship heat.

After a long day, their headed back to the barns with a Sullivan’s Smart Sensation comb.


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