National Junior Maine-Anjou/Chianina Show – Totally Tuesday

Lisa Reid caught sporting our brand new monkey T

Hadley Dunklau shows everyone how it’s done

The competition was no match for Whitney Walker in Intermediate Chi Showmanship

Parker Schwarz takes the victory in showmanship

Brad Winegardner, breeder of HSHW Who Da Man, and Brian Goetmoeller, breeder of Goet I-80, put on a couple of smiles for a photo

Chris & Sharee Sankey study a class of extremely skilled showmen

Blakelee Hayes gets her drying on

Grady Carter brushes out his calf with a Sullivan’s Smart Scrub Brush

Four leaders in the Maine-Anjou breed, John Sullivan, Jirl Buck, Troy Jones and Eric Walker, line up for the herdsman raffle.

Jirl Buck lost the bidding and got a bucket of water dumped on himself.

Lindsey Broek, Junior Activities Director and Editor of The Maine-Anjou Voice, had a close call with a bucket of water.


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