National Junior Limousin Show | RUSH Less, See MORE Limousin

Trotter Thomas using a Sullivan’s Stimulator to work hair.

Carter Curry trying to make the tough decision between the chute hammock or Flare blanket.

A stocked showbox is the only way to start a new show week.

Sales Representative, Nathan Folk, helping a customer at the trailer.

It didn’t take long for exhibitors to fill up their cooler bags after check-in.

Seed Johns using his trusty Andis Clipper while fitting.

Stock Show University ®  Manager, Tess Mittag, handing out cooler bags at check-in today.

Anabelle Vander May and Jezy Alcorn make the best duo in the wash rack with their smart scrub brushes.

Fun Fact: Sullivan fitting mats make excellent napping areas – just ask Chesney Marthaler!

Kendalyn Portwood is SMART for using her favorite Smart Fork to keep the stalls clean.


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