National Junior Hereford Association – Fed Steer Shootout Program to Provide Educational Opportunities to Juniors.

Texas Stardance Cattle and the Averhoff family, have dedicated the past years to supporting Hereford youth and the National Junior Hereford Association Fed Steer Shootout program to provide educational opportunities to juniors.
“I love this industry,” said Jon Averhoff, Texas Stardance Cattle LLC, Jonesboro, Texas. “I wouldn’t have been in it this long if I didn’t really love it.”
Texas Stardance Cattle began in 2007, after Jon bought Hereford cattle from several prominent breeders in different states and venturing into Canada for his genetic search. He now boasts a 225 head operation of registered Hereford’s, while also transitioning to raising feeder cattle and embryo transfers. Texas Stardance Cattle has sold genetics for many years and they now have 60 steers in a feedlot in Kansas.
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