National Junior Brangus Show | Is It Hot Out Here, Or Is It Just (Brang)US?

Wyatt Wunderlich celebrates after his Champion Pee-Wee showmanship win!

Tyler Kasner getting his heifer dry.

Kinsley Rhodes, Claire Horner & Tack Farris hanging out in the barns. 

Tough competition in the Salesmanship Contest today.

Stephanie Gripp working some magic in the wash rack this afternoon with Sullivan’s Hydrator. 

Kaylie Wybro has the eye of the tiger during showmanship today.

Be sure to check out all the official show photographer Lindsay Hanewich Photography and Design. View and purchase photos at

Colton Warr uses a Sullivan’s 360 brush to get his heifer ready for showmanship.

JoLee Kate Kasner getting a ring-side pep talk.


Showmanship Judges Katie Kempen and Tar Tut evaluating a competitive final drive.

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