National Junior Angus Show | Stock Show University Clinic

Callyn Hahn, Dean of Stock Show U & Small Animal Product Development, gives a hands on demonstration of how to use a Roto Brush

James Sullivan, Product Development at Sullivan Supply, showcases Sullivan’s NEW 360 Brush, which is now available.

Professor Garrett Kietzman helps a young exhibitor set up his calf.

Emma Nowotny pays close attention during the Ultimate Fitting Challenge.

Lydell Meier does a top notch job commentating the fitting heads on demo

Austin Vieselmeyer tosses giveaways like a pro

Professor Amanda Schnoor works hands-on with a young exhibitor.

Professor Brandon Jones helps answer some of Morgan Scilacci’s questions after the clinic.

DeLainy Fellinger gets pro tips from Professor Brigham Stewart during hands-on showmanship.

Professor Nick Zastrow jumps right in to help a junior.

Will Coor is an artist at balling a tail.

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