National Jr. Limousin Show | Fitting Contest Sponsored by Sullivan Supply

Chloe Hazel and Mason Chipman work together to get their heifer done.


Drew Wright dials in a tailhead.


Every detail counts for Jacey Smith.


Jack Cutter Sullivan pulls up a front leg with Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive.


Breck Coffland balls a tail on her team’s heifer.


Bryntlee Wilkerson focuses on this tailhead.


Fletcher Hennessy pulls up a topline.


Ben Spencer works on perfecting this one.


Trace Falkenstien gets eye level to master this one.


Claire Sennett works on a hind leg.


Peyton Collum shows Calin Kinder some pointers on pulling his front leg.


Logan Chachere pulls up the tailhead on his team’s animal.

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