North American Junior Red Angus Event | Stock Show University® “Fitting Trifecta” Clinic

Rachel Davis, The Pulse® Manager, kicking off the clinic for the North American Junior Red Angus Event exhibitors!


When the chairs coming out in the show ring, you know it’s time to seriously learn about fitting.


Professors Kip Wallace and August Bertz, taking the reins of Stock Show University – Fitting Trifecta!


Taking notes is essential when learning at a Stock Show University® event!


Congratulations to Clay Miller, Maebry Enderle, and Devyn Frost for being the lucky winners of the Stock Show University’s Livestook Loot. Pictured with Professors Kip Wallace and August Bertz.


And the crowd goes wild for Clay Miller as he tries to grab as much Loot as possible!


Professor August Bertz assisting Devyn Frost with counting her Livestock Loot money.


Professor Kip Wallace getting the kids engaged during the clinic with a Q&A session!


Professor August Bertz throwing out all the Stock Show University/Sullivan Supply goodies!


Raise your hand if you are excited and pumped about Stock Show University!!


Professor August Bertz demonstrating how to properly spray adhesive on a tailhead when fitting.


Professor Kip Wallace talking about the proper way to pull a topline.


Professor Kip Wallace emphasizes the key points of mastering a back leg on show day to the crowd.

The pulse archive