{Summer Tips and Tricks} As the weather turns warm, and students begin their summer break, many think of spending their days in the sun at the pool or going on vacations. As for livestock kids, that is when the real work begins. The warm weather marks the beginning of the summer show season, full of regional and national shows. While summer shows can arguably be some of the most fun shows for exhibitors, with the extra contests and activities they get to partake in during the show week, they can also be the hardest to prepare for. Therefore, we have compiled a list of tips and tricks for exhibitors for this upcoming summer show season.
1. Dead Hair Removal
2. Train New Hair
3. Brush, Brush, Brush
4. Keep the Barn Clean
5. Sunlight
6. Develop Feeding Routine
7. Exercise
8. Practice Showmanship
9. Consistency is Key
Read more about each of these tips and tricks on the NALF blog: https://nalf.org/blog/summer-tips-and-tricks/