The Champion Angus Female getting prepped for the Supreme Drive.
Judge Jason Hoffman evaluating the supreme line up.
Tail Adhesive and a Sullivan’s Smart Comb – show day essentials.
The Pembrook crew keeping their Sullivan Supply products at arm’s length.
Travis Pembrook – the unofficial photographer at NAILE.
The boss ensuring thing get done right.
Jake Bohnsack with his eyes on the prize.
Congratulation to the Boyert-Core crew on a great NAILE.
Tyler Cates clipping out a topline.
Another Tyler – but in black and white.
The 4 Wiley Farm crew was hard at work this morning.
Tony Tolar with the win for the Red Angus.
“Everyone come see, The Pulse just posted the NAILE Supreme Champions!” – them, probably.
Big congratulations to Carter Kornegay on having supreme open cow calf pair.
All eyes on the supreme open lineups today .
Mitch Udell with the last shake of NAILE 24.