NAILE | Galavanting on the Green Chips

Coach Parker Henley leading his team to victory, Go Pokes!

Judge Max Stotz congratulating the Ramsey Hereford!

The Oatley Crew was hard at it in the stalls today.

Chancee Clark knows Incognitos look best on show day!

Kyle Barnard out here changing the game.

August Bertz & Stephen Miller, the clipping duo.

Bo Todd making sure the tails are balled just right.

Camile Blomme creating the perfect tail head.

Nathan Hopkins knows smart scrub brushes are good for more than washing.

Lydia Covert in Beast Mode.

Aime Stertzbach receiving a champion shake.

Will Coon prefers tail adhesive on show day.

Kale Spengler a tail head master.

Harrison Roberts


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