Mathew Frieman shaping a tailhead to help his team claim Champion honors.
Matalyn Martinson recommends using Powder’Ful before clipping on a backleg.
Caleb Vancura uses is cordless Andis clipper to master a tailhead.
Kate and Aubree Schmidt work together to make the front leg on their calf look 100%.
Taylor Long pulling up a front leg with Tail Adhesive and a Teflon comb.
Team #7 might not have agreed on a team name today, but they sure can work together when fitting a calf.
Judge Magen Tol watches over the teams to make her final decision.
Abigail Nelson using a Teflon comb to fit a tailhead.
Nick Rossman focused on mastering his back leg during the contest.
Team “Always Late but Worth the Wait” puts full trust in Sullivan Supply when fitting a heifer.