Message from ASA Board of Directors

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Dear American Shorthorn Association Members,

These are exciting times in the beef industry and for the Shorthorn breed. The first month of the fall sale season has seen excellent results and continued demand for our Shorthorn product.

Many changes have occurred at the ASA over the last several years with the goal of positioning and strengthening the breed for continued acceptance and growth in the future. Previously in the Shorthorn Country, membership was notified that the ASA Board of Directors was approached about selling the association headquarters. The decision was made to pursue this opportunity and list the building for sale.

At this time the ASA Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the building was officially sold on October 1, 2015. The board felt due to the age of the building and continued maintenance issues now and in the future that this was the right decision for the long-term sustainability of the association.

After much deliberation and investigation the Board of Directors are excited to announce that the association will be moving to Kansas City, MO. Kansas City has deep ties in the industry and has long been synonymous with the beef cattle industry and agribusiness. This location will also serve as a more central location for all membership. This move will position the Shorthorn breed to be in the hub of the related beef industry infrastructure.

The staff at the ASA office will continue to provide service through this transitional period.


American Shorthorn Association Board of Directors

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