Did you know that Kade Hummel was the very first Sales Rep for SCO??
Back in 2014, the SCO Team was just 4 people – Dave, Roland, Jen and Kade. That fall, we had just a handful of cattle and pig sales before adding our “original three” Cattle Reps in the summer of 2015.
By day, Kade works for Lindner Show Feeds and also buys and sells showpigs through Hummel Farms. Being a Rep for SCO fits perfectly into his wheelhouse of wanting to get the right pigs into the right hands for the right reasons and then helping those families reach their goals in the show ring.
Kade works alongside Brian Anderson and Miles Toenyes to make up our Swine Rep Team. Feel free to give any of these guys a call if you have any questions about how SCO can go to work for you!