Check Out Tyler’s Goal for the Jr Board!
Today’s American Junior Maine-Anjou Association Board of Director spotlight is At Large Director, Tyler Loudon. Learn more about Tyler below!
AJMAA Position: At Large Director, Iowa
High School: Creston Community High School
Who or what inspired you to run for the AJMAA junior board?
From the very beginning back in 2012 when I went to my first junior nationals the junior board was a major role model for me when I didn’t know what to do. There was always a helping hand for the little kids and I really wanted to do that because of the association and what it has to offer to everyone in the Maine-Anjou breed.
What are your goals for this year’s junior board?
Have more involvement in the contests even though we don’t force you too. Win the most fun junior national award from the Pulse. And the last one that I got is to grow a bond with the kids of the Maine-Anjou association in order to give them the opportunities that I was given as a first time member of this wonderful breed.
What is something that you would tell your younger self?
There is no such thing as rewinding time, so shoot your shot and do what you are going to do because there may never be another situation like that in your entire life. So as Nike says, Just Do It.