Sullivan Supply is proud to introduce Paige Lemenager as the 2022 Best of the Barns Cattle Showman. She is a talented and successful young lady paving the wave to do extraordinary things in life. Get to know this Illinois native and what makes her a super showman.
Most Memorable Show:
Being named Reserve Supreme Junior Heifer with my Polled Hereford at Cattlemen’s Congress holds a special place in my heart for a number of reasons. I was fortunate enough to share that experience with my favorite people and HAWK Myla 39J’s journey was a chapter of my junior career I’ll never forget. Cattlemen’s Congress has truly become our family tradition and favorite event of the year.
Most Memorable Show Animal:
I’m proud to say that as a family of three, we search for every show heifer together. It’s difficult to name just one because each female has a unique story and has had an impact on our operation. Yet as I reflect, it’s hard to picture life without MLA Proven Queen 803 in it. We came close to going after a different heifer in during our 2018 search and I’m so grateful that came to an agreement on 803. Not only was she a joy to have in the show barn, but her best days and legacy have been made in our donor pen.
What is your go-to song for road trips?
‘Til You Can’t by Cody Johnson
What are you most excited about in the future?
My time at Lake Land College, as a member of the livestock judging team has been an incredible start to my collegiate years. I’m looking forward to my sophomore judging season and beginning the search for a program to round out my undergraduate studies.
What’s one interesting fact about yourself?
My favorite people to quote are Ronald Regan and Ricky Bobby…in that order.
Favorite Sullivan Supply Product & Why?
Sullivan’s Turbo Fans without- a-doubt. Turbo Fans have stood the test of time in our show barn like no other product.
What’s your Favorite Motivational Quote?
Leave no stone left unturned.
Tips/Tricks for Success on showing
It all starts at home! Each animal is different so make sure to know their strengths and weaknesses. Head/neck height and angle are crucial for the best look on the profile. I have found the longer the show stick the better, when you reach for a tail or hind leg the last thing you want to do is to lose a solid set. Be respectful to all judges, ring help, and your fellow competitors.
Any key show day routines or at home prep that played a part in your success?
If Dad has breakfast, Mom has a Diet Pepsi, and I have coffee, we can handle anything!
Best Advice you ever received and your advice to future showman.
No matter where you are, surround yourself with people you’re proud to stand alongside. There are many lessons to be learned and memories to be made for beginning showman, so travel to as many jackpot shows as you can to get more comfortable on the stick, you won’t regret it!
Congratulations again to Paige Lemenager on her success. Good luck to her and all the junior exhibitors as we all gear up for a fun family filled stock show summer. Stay tuned as we get to know more of the 2022 standout showmen this week.