Makin’ Memories at the South Dakota State Fair

Congratulations to Tallie Heim on winning the 4-H Market Steer Show today!

Hunter Miller drives his Reserve Champion Market Lamb.

Talen Hazel leads his Champion Hereford Steer around the ring.

The Bergh Family fights the crowd to make the long trek to the 4-H Barn for the steer show today.

Rocky and Chad Forman clip on the champion steer before show time.

Stetson Stearns washes his lamb before going into the ring.

Karly Schaunaman and her posse head to the ring for grand drive.

Heidi Faehnrich keeps her Sullivan’s Flare and new Edge brush close by when she clips on her market lamb.

Congratulations to Payton Beare on having Reserve Champion Market Steer. Thank you for trusting in Sullivan Supply products!

Cory Altena uses Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive on a tail head.


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