Professor Aaron Boyce using Tail Adhesive to demonstrate how to create a perfect tailhead.
Aubrey Wacome listening closely, picking up all the tips and tricks during the Professor demonstrations.
Professor James Sullivan, Director of Marketing, assisting participants during the one-on-one fitting session.
Zoey Violette practicing her showmanship skills with her new Stronghold halter in the mock show ring.
Professor Darcy Boyce recommending the Roto Fluffer Brush on show days.
The best way to learn is to get right next to the chute!
Professor Nathan Campbell overseeing Micah Stonge clipping a topline.
Elizabeth-Wright recommends using a Doublestuff Teflon to get the job done back at the chutes.
Professor Nathan Campbell answering all the questions about the different adhesives for show day.
Professor Nick Dow working hard on a back leg during the fitting demonstration.
If you can’t tell by William Wadsworth’s face, he 100 percent approves of Stock Show University!