Leadin’ for a Cure Announces Entry Form and Ring 1 Judge

Entries are now open for the 2023 Leadin’ for a Cure jackpot in Chillicothe, Mo. We hope you will join us as we team up with Children’s Mercy hospital in Kansas City to support kids fighting Crohn’s and Cancer. Save time and money on arrival by entering now!


Leadin’ For a Cure welcomes Cory Thomsen, Madison, S.D., who will be judging the steers and heifers in Ring 1, March 18-19. Thomsen heads the customer service division at 605 Sires + Donors as their client success manager. He is no stranger to the show ring, having exhibited national champions in numerous breeds and has judged across the country. He is the co-host of Cattle Drive Live, and we are excited to have him as a part of the judging lineup. Watch for more announcements and enter today!


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