#KutterShed | Sale Today!

Please help us support Kutter and his family, there is something for everyone in this sale today!


When we put on a sale we always say bid with confidence and that statement has never been more true than now! Kutter Shed was involved in a farm related accident and since then he has been fighting so hard. If you have been around Kutter you have seen a bright future for our industry, and we have no doubt he will be back in the show ring with his minis as soon as he can. The Shed family has only asked for prayers for their little boy and we have already seen miracles happening in Kutter’s healing!  With that being said if you know anything about the livestock industry we take care of each other and we want Trent and Amber to be able to spend as much time as possible beside Kutter and not worrying about bills. 100% of proceeds from this sale will be given to the Shed family. We want thank each and every one of you for viewing the sale and continuing to pray for the Shed family!

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