Kansas Stock Show University® Grad Program | Award Winners

Congratulations to all of our Kansas One Day 4-Species Stock Show University® Grad Program Award Winners Pictures with Professors Andy and Nicole Jacobson – Hogs, Philip and Randa Doty – Sheep, Dallas Shropshire – Goat, Logan Purdum- Goat, Garrett Keitzman – Cattle, Luke Wood – Cattle, and Lauren Fredrick – Cattle, Tess Mittag – Stock Show U Manager

Go Getters: Wrenley Hager – Goat and Audrey Bracken – Pigs
Most Improved: Lora Larison – Sheep
Most Determined:Afton Stuteville
Best Clipper: Karlie Janeczko
Best Fitter: Gavin Smith – Cattle
Best Showman: Lainey Hager – Goat
Future Stock Show U Professor: Wyatt ReQua – Goat

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