Kansas One-Day 4-Species Stock Show University® Grad Program

Registration is STILL OPEN for the Kansas One-Day 4-Species Stock Show University® Grad Program coming to THIS SUNDAY in Toganoxie, Kansas on April 16, 2023!


Be sure to take advantage of this FREE, fun filled event, where students can bring their animals and work one on one with the industry’s best and most talented. Topics covered include: daily care, clipping, fitting, and showmanship. Attendees will walk away motivated and prepared for success!


Kansas Stock Show University® Professors include: Andy and Nicole Jacobson – Hogs, Philip and Randa Doty – Sheep, Dallas Shropshire – Goat, Logan Purdum- Goat, Garrett Keitzman – Cattle, Luke Wood – Cattle, and Lauren Fredrick – Cattle, Tess Mittag – Stock Show U® Manager


Register through this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2023-ssu-ks-one-day-4-species-grad-program-tickets-491816896577




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