Kansas Beef Expo | Heifer Show Candids

Judge Taylor Graham selects Jake Nikkel’s Champion Foundation Simmental Heifer as Supreme Champion Overall in Ring B. Thank you to Nikkel Bros. for trusting Sullivan Supply products!

Emily Schaeffer uses Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive to put the finishing touches on a heifer.

Zane Ward puts Sullivan’s Black Powderful to good use on the Champion Angus Heifer and Supreme Champion Overall in Ring A.

Jerrod Arthur gets creative with Sullivan’s Flare by using it on son Kelton’s Champion Charolais Female.

Don’t forget to order your candid and backdrop photos from official show photographer, Pearl Walthall! Visit pearlspics.com to view and purchase!

Claudia Hissong showed the Champion Angus Female to Supreme Champion Overall in Ring A.


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